Just Who Is Pretty In Pink?????


I don’t see it…I have absolutely no clue why, but for years (since I was fifteen, in fact) I have heard the EXACT SAME COMMENT from literally dozens of people:
                                        “Has anyone ever told you that you look just like Molly Ringwald?” 

I don’t think so.  I’ve never thought so.  I was moved at one point in my life to eschew all things pink—which has had some drastic repercussions now.  I would have tried anything to get people to stop saying such wacky things.  At the beginning, I had long, curly brown hair.  I wear glasses.  I covered my freckles, and never had nails.  But that didn’t stop the craziness.  So now, I wear my hair short, and it is a lovely shade of auburn, and
I still don’t think I look anything like Molly Ringwald.  I mean, my eyes are blue, Molly’s are brown.  I’m tall, Molly is not.  Molly has a rounder face and neck, I could be described as angular. 

 But don’t go putting words in my mouth…I LIKE Molly.  I think she is very talented and pretty.  I own most of her movies and have begun a collection of photo spreads from magazines.  Also, her fashion sense is VERY cool.  I’ve always loved the avant-garde manner with which she presents herself in public.  And NO ONE makes retro look as good as she does. 


And so it has come to this…YOU get to decide. 

Please study the pictures as closely as you want and take half a second to vote at the bottom of this page.  Just scroll your mouse over the pictures for a comparison—I’m on the bottom. 








































   I got some of these pictures from IMDb, and my own magazine files but some of the others are from Lindsay, without permission (hey, she got them from national sources, and she NEVER answered my request).  You should check out her website by clicking the link above, for more information.

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Hold the phone, girly girl!!  Do you even OWN a mirror?? You two could be twins!!



You’re absolutely correct…You look NOTHING like her. 



Author's Note: The most interesting part about this web page was in finding the pictures.  It was astonishing to me how many of the pictures I posed for, or dressed for that showed such similarities.  I tried to be fair…but I still don’t think I look anything like Molly Ringwald. 

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